March 15th, 2024 - Picking Up Steam
It's still early days, but I can see growth and validation. All things are going to plan.
Maybe its a different day for you as you read this, but for me, it’s the day I sit down and write about my week. I hope your week was a good one! Mine had it’s ups and downs, we have a lot of wet, heavy the past couple of days so it’s been a good time to be inside learning and writing.
Summing Things Up
Writing for Medium is starting to take some shape, I’ve been accepted into enough publications that my posts are getting to more people than just my followers, though you should go Follow me there if you haven’t already. I wrote 9 posts this week so far and have 6 that have been published so far, my main topics covered: Mindfulness, Writing on Medium, Entrepreneurialism, ADHD and Productivity. I finding that I lean more towards the mindfulness and ADHD things naturally, but want to stretch my legs. I’ve earned 13.01 on Medium, another $3 on Ko-fi so I’m up to $16 for the month.
Lessons Learned
My lessons are just additive to last week’s experience:
Social Media is hard to motivate myself to write for, it feels contrived to just do snippets, but also I do see an influx of activity through the post I make. I haven’t started yet, but apparently Pinterest is viable option, what?
Newletters are a great way to grow the audience, a way to earn money just from eyeballs… one I add any sort of ads to the system. Right now, not so much. Paid memberships might be a thing some day, but not something on banking on for just these updates. I’ll add some value and get back to you.
Coaching and Courses seem to be the things others are doing for more money, especially courses and coaching on how to write for Medium. I might be the target of a niche.
Marketing will be my next big lesson, but I might take another week of stream lining my writing process.
Notion has proven to be very useful for me to track my writing, I’m working on a template for Medium and Substack writers.
I’m grateful for the Internet, more specifically the wealth of information available from experts or people going through what I’m going through.
I’m grateful to see growth in my followers on Medium and here on Substack, hopefully I will hear from folks as they follow along.
I’m grateful to have vehicles that can handle weather that nature threw at us this week.
What’s Coming Up
As I mentioned above, the writing process could be streamlined. I’m going to try to coordinate my posts for the week, get some stubs pre-written and have more of a strategy. I would also like to pre-load some social media posts, create a system to make it easy to share on Instagram with an image and maybe write one of the articles to be exclusive to LinkedIn, alternatively I may start re-purposing some of the content from Medium over there. I have a goal of 1000 followers on Medium and 100 on Substack, both were audacious on purpose, but I still want to look like I tried. If you know anyone that might be interested in this kind of content, please send them my way!
Thanks for Reading
I’ll close it out, but wanted to share a post I made today about how I’m trying to earn a living, you should check it out if you think I’m just writing casually and hoping it’ll all pan out. Here’s a snippet:
So Many Income Streams! — Dalle-3 Generated by Author
I’m the first to admit when I hate buzzwords and there are so many of them in business. Hell, I just typed “solopreneur” so what am I even talking about? What I am talking about, actually, thanks for asking, is the income that so many bloggers or Medium writers are seeking. “Passive Income” or a “Side Hustle” suggests it’s easy to do on the side and someone is handing you a check every week out of blue. Obviously we all know that’s not the case, but I want to explore what it is coming to mean for me.
Thanks again, see you next week or over on Medium. Ciao!